To Do List
To-Do List
- Embed Mindmap Setup.
- SVG file works and editable.
- Roadmap Sample Complete
- 2 Posts for GDD.
- Brainstorm some classes names.
- Look Over for mistakes.
- Add a few Compendium Entries.
- Look for a way to add cinematics.
- Character Selection window.
- Basic Stats.
- Structures
- HP Bar test.
- Generate an icon pack.
- Main Menu.
- Widget to Viewport WP Post.
- Skill bars.
- HP Bar test.
- Roadmap Expanded.
- 2 Posts for GDD.
- Brainstorm some classes names.
- Look Over for mistakes.
- Add a few Compendium Entries.
- Look for a way to add small camera cinematics.
- Character Selection window.
- Generate some character placeholders.
- Wtf to do with saving.
- Options Menu.
- Create Character.
- Training dummy.
- How to create a to-do list in WordPress.
- Install Github.
- Install Rider & plugin.
- Install Git Bash.
- Setup project Version Control.
- Push Initial project files.
- Gameplay Ability
- Gameplay Effect
- Attribute Sets
- Gameplay Tags
- Gameplay Cues
- Gameplay Event
- Gameplay Task
- Toistoise Setup.
- Enhanced Input.
- Movement Input.
- Player Controller.
- Game Mode.
- Enemy Interface.
- Highlight Enemies.
- Post Process Highlight.
- The Gameplay Ability System.
- The Main Parts of GAS.
- The Player State.
- Ability System Component and Attribute Set.
- GAS in Multiplayer.
- Constructing the ASC and AS.
- Replication Mode.
- Init Ability Actor Info.
- Section 3 Quiz.